Hackers are making headlines these days like never before. From video game systems to voicemail accounts, it seems like almost every type of electronic device or information storage medium can be hacked to either give up information or perform actions it wasn't initially designed to do. We've gathered a handful of the weirdest hacks out there, and the vulnerability of some of your everyday devices might surprise you.
1. High-tech medical implants, and devices like pacemakers and insulin pumps are reprogrammable so that Doctors could use these wireless programming features to make subtle adjustments. However, their built-in wireless features make them vulnerable to hackers who can exploit them from about half a mile.
2. Baby monitors have become very popular with new parents due to their video-equipped features. Anyone having wireless receiver can have a monitoring device into your home.
3. Automobiles cab be can unlocked by tech savvy thieves simply by sending a text message or two because these systems utilize the same type of technology like a common cell phone.
4. Garage door openers rely on a handheld gadget that hackers can easily modify to accept a USB port, and software readily available on the web to modify how it operates. Online tutorials are also available for any amateur hacker through the process of hacking your garage door in just minutes.
5. The human brain is a delightful object for scientists to attempt hacking. They're actually getting close.
Via http://www.tecca.com/