Sutton gets new superhero in amateur feature film

The Divider Super Hero
Sutton has got a new superhero.

The Divider is believed to be the UK's biggest self-funded amateur feature film.

The two hour epic, due to finish filming next month, complete with hi tech special effects and computer generated imagery (CGI) is being made by Sutton Film Makers Club.

The amateur film club, regarded as the most established in south east England, has been making the film since 2006.

The film, about the superhero of the same name, has been filmed on location across the borough including Cheam High Street, Nonsuch Park, and Sutton High Street.

Its costumes were provided by Academy Costumes, the same wardrobe that kitted out major film franchises Harry Potter and James Bond, and box office hits Braveheart, Back to the Future and the Dark Knight.

Jim Rogers, 36, who is directing the film, said: "I've not heard of a self-funded project of this size ever being done anywhere else in the country.This is by a stretch the biggest project our club has ever done and is quite unique in size to the amateur film industry."

The eight-strong crew has managed to create the film on a £4000 budget, despite using top-quality equipment, including CGI and a special effects "green screen", all owned by the club.

When it is released next year, Mr Rogers hopes to take it to the UK's Raindance Film Festival and the San Diego Comic Convention in the USA.

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