Health Insurance - Miscellany - ABI supports police in crackdown on fraud

Health Insurance - Miscellany - ABI supports police in crackdown on fraud
"The Association of British Insurers (ABI) is to fund a specialist police unit dedicated to combating insurance fraud, set up through a police-private sector partnership.
The unit, supported by the National Fraud Authority, and operated by the City of London Police’s Economic Crime Directorate, will be funded for the next three years by members of the ABI, and will be subject to an evaluation after two years.
It will provide additional operational capability to the Directorate, focusing solely on tackling insurance fraud, a crime valued at £2bn per year – which adds an extra £44 a year to each premium paid by consumers.
The unit, which aims to go live on 1 January 2012, will consist of 35 specialist fraud detectives and police support staff and will provide a dedicated response to threats posed to the insurance industry by both organised gangs and opportunist fraudsters."

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